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Keeper of the Dream
Where Your Web Site Dreams Come True





If having a business web site is one of your dreams, there are are many different
styles of web sites and different types of web site designers from which to choose.
However, your choice of who you hire to be your web site builder can radically
change the appearance and operation of your site.

Just as two artist will not paint a picture the same, two different
web site developers will not create your site in the same manner.

The selection of your web site design company should depend upon what you want
the site to accomplish and what your company will be supplying in the form of text
and images. While there are many highly talented designers that can build a web site,
there are many that do not totally understand marketing concepts of products.

Therefore even though one designer may do a fantastic job on an
informational site only, they may not be the best person to
have if your main focus will be to achieve online sales.

Even though a lot of flash animation and graphics may impress your colleagues,
families, and friends, they can easily distract an online customer or slow the site
down to where the customer will simply give up before placing the order. In addition.
animation and graphics may look nice, but they will not help your search engine ranking
and can even hinder your ranking if they are not used and placed properly.

In our opinion, you should seek out a designer for the job you want
to accomplish, as opposed to simply hiring a designer and waiting
to see what your completed web site can accomplish.



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